Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kids Listening to God

Our new Connection Studio for preschool age kids began on September. We have lots of 3-year-old kids who are just beginning to grasp the idea of preschool.

. . . "just wanted to let you all of you know about one of the things that happened this weekend. While we were learning the "listening to God" segment, the part where you talk the kids through "seeing Jesus" with phrases like "Jesus is coming. . . he picks you up and puts you on his lap, He hugs and kisses you," one of the little ones said, "I see Jesus."

How cool is that? Love it, Heather

Friday, September 25, 2009

It's all about the relationship

It's relationships, not programs, that change children. A great program simply creates the environment for healthy relationships to form between adults and children. Young people thrive when adults care about them on a one-to-one level, and when they also have a sense of belonging to a caring community.