Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Beyond 1000 is Westwinds’
ongoing mission initiative
that gives
wwKids Journey
$1000 per quarter to creatively invest in our community
- beyond the walls of
1000 Robinson Rd.

Whenever we do this type of outreach-Beyond 1000, the wwKids volunteers work real hard to help the kids understand why we do these things and that they can shadow God and help heal the world.
Matthew 25:37-40 (The Message) “Then those ‘sheep’ are going to say, ‘Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?’ Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’
We give to others because hurting people matter to Jesus. He cares that little kids are hurting and when we help others we make our love real to Jesus. We want the kids to participate in giving to others.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Beyond 1000 - First quarter initiative

1Q wwKids’ Beyond 1000 Initiative - video systems and games for the kids at the Aware Shelter.

WHAT: We need gently used video games and systems to donate to the families at the Aware Shelter. We are looking for Game Boys DSs, Playstation 2’s, Playstation 3’s; XBox; Wii, V-smiles, etc.
WHEN: We will collect these items through February 28. Depending upon the types of donations received, we will purchase additional items.

Several things to share with your kids:
1) Describe the Aware shelter’s purpose. The Aware shelter, located on W. Michigan Ave., provides a safe place for moms and kids to temporarily live. Some times because of violence and abuse, moms have to leave the place they are living it so they can be safe. Most of the time they have to leave very fast and leave a lot of their personal things behind. NOTE: As a parent you know best what kind of information your kids can handle. Share what is appropriate and what you are comfortable with.

2) Ask your kids if there is anything they can do to help these moms and kids who have left everything behind. See what the kids come up with. This can be an amazing time as kids share from their heart. This type of discussion can happen in the car or around the dinner table.

3) Remind your kids about how blessed they are to have all their needs met as well many of their desires (page 56, Heart of Gold*, gratitude and appreciation)

4) Invite your kids to sort through their things (page 58, Heart of Gold, combat hoarding) so they can bless someone else who would enjoy these items. While you can do this with any of their toys, for Beyond 1000, we are suggesting you do with exercise with their electronic toys. Perhaps they have a couple of games that are very similar and would be willing to give one away. Perhaps they have received a new game that they didn’t care for or perhaps the game is no longer age appropriate. Ask your kids if they would be willing to give to another boy or girl. NOTE: Your older kids may be aware that they could trade in their old games at Game Stop or sell them on Ebay. This is another time to help your kids be aware that they “lack for nothing” and perhaps they could give to someone who has nothing.

5) Enlist your kids help to package up the items they will give away. Make sure all the wires and accessories are included. As you work together, perhaps you can pray for the kids that will receive the game.

6) Bring the donation items to church and drop them off at the main wwKids checkin table by February 28. OR as a family take your donation directly to the Aware shelter and then share that experience and story with us at wwKids. We are always looking for stories that will encourage others in our community.

Thank you for participating in this Beyond 1000 initiative. If you have questions contact me at

Heart of Gold: The Joy of Living Generously, by Dr. David McDonald. Available at Sound Words and also through