Saturday, November 14, 2009

Connection Studio - Abram & Sarah

During our story presentation we asked the question to whether God would stay with them or not, some of the kids spontaneously responded yes or no. This was encouraging.

For response time, several kids worked with the new story of Abram & Sarah. They used the wood figures and move them through the "desert" re-telling the story. It was interesting to observe them.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Connection Studio

. . . one of our teachers shared. My 3-year-old daughter has been in the Connection Studio each week. She has never been great with taking care of things. However just the other night in the bathub I caught her folding her wash cloth and saying "this edge can go to this edge and this edge to this edge. . ." (This is how material is put away in the Connection Studio) I've also noticed that my daughter's artwork is changing. Before her art was not recognizable, but lately I've seen her drawing images that represent the stories she has heard in the Connection Studio.

What we are doing is sticking with our kids. I see it everyday with my daughter. Thank you, all of you for working so hard to bring God and Jesus into our kids' lives. You are awesome!

. . . another teacher said, "my 3-year-old daughter did a painting (at home) and then said, 'now we need to think about God and look at it.' She wants to bring the painting to church and 'think about it'!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ganton Center

When I asked my elderly parents to watch the kids one day, I was hesistant to tell my 9-year-old the news. How many little kids like to hang out with old people, not a cool 40 or 50-year-old grandma but an old 80+ grandpa? Much to my surprise and joy, when I told Jeff he was going to spend the night at my mom and dad's, he immediately asked, "Can I tell Allie (his little sister) the good news?"
Going to the Ganton Care Center has made a difference in my kids' lives. Old people are individuals with whom they can have relationships. Grandma Ruth, Grandpa Vern and Mike, all of these people enjoy and look forward to seeing the kids. This is one small but impactful way kids can make a difference.
Allie posing with Grandma Doris, the winner of the Pretty Pretty Princess game.
The second Tuesday of each month wwKids visit the grandmas and grandpas at the Ganton Care Center. We play games, sometimes they play with us and sometimes they just enjoy watching the kids. Unfortunately our visit was canceled today due to illness at the center. We'll try again next month!