Thursday, September 4, 2008

Satellite groups

Satellite Groups : : : Connecting adults and kids
One of the challenges of being at a larger church is that
- our kids go to a variety of schools;
- our kids attend church, at best, every other week;
- our kids attend at different times.
These factors make it challenging for our WWKids’ servants to build consistent relationships with the kids, and it also makes it challenging for our kids to build relationships with one another. Hey, it’s not just the kids who face this challenge.
Over the years I routinely ask various adults about their childhood influences on their spiritual journey; “my parent’s friends,” was the answer that most surprised me. My parent’s friends were the other adults in my life. Our families hung out, vacationed, cried and played together. They ‘did life,’ walking side by side together on their spiritual journey.
This next Sunday you will have the opportunity to check out WW new satellite groups. As a parent, this could be the single most important decision you make for your family. These groups not only help adults connect but provide an opportunity for your kids to build relationships with other adults and kids that will potentially shape and influence their lives.
WWKids’ leaders please seriously consider getting involved in a satellite group. Your journey with Jesus was never intended to be a solo trip but a community adventure. Being in community will change your life; it did mine.

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