Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Some things I'd like my daughter to learn...

I found out last Friday that we're having a girl! We're so excited. After seeing her on the ultrasound it really started to hit me: I'm going to be a mom. WOW. Such a big responsibility to be given a child to raise and teach, wonderful for sure, but also a huge challenge lies ahead of me. I've been thinking about things I want to make sure she knows about God. Here's my list:

1. I want her to know that God loves her, and that he created her to be in a relationship with him.

2. I want her to know that God created the whole world, and that we as people are supposed to care for all of creation-including plants, animals, the earth and it's atmosphere, and all people.

3. I want her to know that God is always reaching out to us because he wants us to know him better. He's always willing to forgive us when we mess up, and he's always looking for ways to connect with us. We just have to listen.

4. I want her to know that God teaches us in so many different ways, and that he uses our life experiences, good and bad, to bring us closer to him.

5. I want her to develop a love for God's word, because it changes the hearts of those who read it, and thereby changes the world for the better.

6. I want her to be a loving and compassionate person, a person whose love for Jesus is displayed in how she values and cares for other people.

There are more, many more, but since she is only a 21 week old fetus I don't think it's fair to expect too much from her yet! I hope this list has got you thinking about what your children are learning, and about how your relationship with God and others impacts your child's relationship with God. Children learn so much by participation and observation, and I want to make sure that once my daughter gets here I am modeling how to love others so that she learns it too.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Caring for the World @ WW

Westwinds is seeing green in more ways than one. In May of 08 we ditched paper cups with plastic lids and cardboard sleeves for ceramic mugs, stopped purchasing plastic creamer containers and began having local businesses help with donations of organic fair-trade coffee. Because of these steps, we have seen some very exciting results.

We have halted nearly 8000 gallons of garbage from being dumped into
our landfill (about the size of one of those large fuel tankers you see going down the road).

We have saved over $1,500.00 in cups, lids, sleeves, coffee and creamers.

We are hearing many individual stories about how the steps we are
taking at the church are influencing people¹s recycling and conservation habits at home.

Moms, Dads and kids - How are you making a difference in caring for our world? Do you use both sides of your paper? Do you leave the water running while you brush your teeth or do you turn it off? Every little bit helps. Let us know what you're doing!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Who are you inviting?

The other week in Fusion, Dave talked about the “lies” of our world. One of those lies is “there’s not enough ______.” I suspect that Dave was talking about natural resources, etc. However it occurred to me that in the church community, the natural resource is people, God’s people. We frequently feel like there’s not enough help, not enough people, etc.

There are people . . . there are people who will serve. . . but we need to invite them. We need to invite them to join us in teaching the kids. As you hopefully know and have personally experienced, we are transformed in the process of guiding the kids along their journey with Jesus.

WW’s missional emphasis this year is the invitation to shadow God. Who do you know that you could ask to help you in the studio one weekend? Invite them to join you, so they can see and experience for themselves the joy of giving to others. Perhaps it is someone you’ve known for a long time OR perhaps it’s someone you’ve just met recently. Perhaps it’s a mature high school or college student. Many times people don’t help because no one ever personally asks them to help. Let’s ask!

I am willing to invite people to join us, but it’s just like coming to church. People come to church because someone- like you – someone they know invites them.

Who could you invite to get more involved at WW?

They "got" it

. . . I wanted to let you know what a great time I had on Sunday with the 5&6 graders. No, seriously. They were attentive, enthusiastic about participating in the mime, answered questions, listened to both the Moses and the Rosa parks story and watched all of the Harriet Tubman video. I think they "got" it. - Vicky

Monday, October 6, 2008

Goals for K6 Experience Studios: Moses

Hebrews 11.23-24 . . .
23 It was by faith that Moses’ parents hid him for three months when he was born.

They saw that God had given them an unusual child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king’s command. 24 It was by faith that Moses, when he grew up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. (New Living Translation)

Fall 2008 has a reoccurring faith theme
What do I want them to KNOW . . . I want the kids to KNOW that the setting of the times- the political unrest, oppression, plots to murder and control, the conspiracy to save a child (very similar times to the events surrounding Jesus’ birth); a child that eventually saves Israel from their oppressors
- The roles of Moses’ mom, sister and Pharoah’s daughter à risked a lot; God used them
- The importance of listening and obeying God – leads to faith
- God’s covenant (a promise) to/with Abraham and his family – the Israelites in Eygpt

What do I want them to FEEL . . . I want the kids to FEEL . . the responsibility to be a blessing to others (it’s not just about them); to care for others even though it cost them something
- Explore the feelings that surround Faith – the uncertainty of breaking the laws to
save your child

What do I want them to DO . . . I want the kids to (DO). . . learn to hear God’s promptings and see where he is working
- Grow in awareness how today’s decisions impact their future
- Begin to choose to trust God’s promises for themselves and walk by faith

Sunday, October 5, 2008

October K6 Studios:Moses

There was child who was put in a waterproofed basket made of papyrus, and set afloat in the largest river in the world. There was another mother who was "forced" to break the law, to protect and keep her child safe from the government authorities.

There were many people, but mostly women that ensured this special boy survived and flourished to become the leader to save the children of Israel. This Hebrew boy had a shrewd mom who hid and protected him as an infant. He had an older sister who watched over him as he floated in the Nile and then she cleverly suggested to Pharaoh’s daughter that his biological mother could care for him. And he had an adoptive mother, the daughter of Pharaoh, who knowingly brought a "unwanted, Hebrew" boy into the palace and raised him in the Egyptian culture as her own son

In less than 3 hours our kids will enter into another new unit in the K6 Experience Studios. We will be looking at Moses, but from an unusal perspective. We're looking at the women/girls in Moses young life. The 3 key women who broke all kinds of laws to save this special child.

Each of the K6 Studios' curriculum look awesome. I'll get some pictures and post them later.