Sunday, October 5, 2008

October K6 Studios:Moses

There was child who was put in a waterproofed basket made of papyrus, and set afloat in the largest river in the world. There was another mother who was "forced" to break the law, to protect and keep her child safe from the government authorities.

There were many people, but mostly women that ensured this special boy survived and flourished to become the leader to save the children of Israel. This Hebrew boy had a shrewd mom who hid and protected him as an infant. He had an older sister who watched over him as he floated in the Nile and then she cleverly suggested to Pharaoh’s daughter that his biological mother could care for him. And he had an adoptive mother, the daughter of Pharaoh, who knowingly brought a "unwanted, Hebrew" boy into the palace and raised him in the Egyptian culture as her own son

In less than 3 hours our kids will enter into another new unit in the K6 Experience Studios. We will be looking at Moses, but from an unusal perspective. We're looking at the women/girls in Moses young life. The 3 key women who broke all kinds of laws to save this special child.

Each of the K6 Studios' curriculum look awesome. I'll get some pictures and post them later.

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