Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What Kids are Learning

In the K6 Experience Studios in June we taught about the Holy Spirit. While playing with a parachute we talked about how Jesus said that the Spirit is kind of like the wind. Then I asked the kids, "In what ways are the wind and the Holy Spirit alike?"

A second grader said, "You know how the middle of a hurricane is really calm, but at the same time, the outside is really blowing hard and knocking down trees? Well, the Holy Spirit can do calm things and really big powerful things at the same time!"

And ALL of the groups came up with up "you can't see the wind, but it is still very powerful, and you can see what it does." The kids seem like they are starting to understand that our culture doesn't recognize the real-ness of the God they cannot see, but He is just as real as their friends and their favorite famous people.

AND...He is way more powerful than any of them! I think that they feel excited and secure when we talk about this. God bless them! They are so precious! What an honor to be one of the people who get to watch the kids begin to realize the best news they will ever hear!

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