Friday, June 25, 2010

A Smile Goes a Long Way

This past Monday wwKids had the opportunity to go and help out at the Salvation Army handing out fresh produce to those in need. What they were able to do is a kindergartener was able to hand out four pears and some older girls could hand out 4 peppers, while the boys went to work bagging a dozen ears of corn to give away. It was amazing to get to see children help out in their community in a way that impacted many, and it was not that difficult to do for any age.

There are many people out there looking for that helping hand and we were able to provide that for them, but this also got me thinking about what exactly service is. There are opportunities out there to do many things as big as becoming a missionary overseas or there are even projects in this community like picking up trash in a parking lot. It all depends on your view of service. Even a simple smile to someone who is having a rough day can be an act of service because it is helping someone in the community have a better day.

So no matter your age or your position in life, it is not hard to reach out and lend a helping hand. Those helping hands, are the ones that will heal the world. Serve and Surf was an experience that helped these children see that they can make a big difference with some food and a simple smile that could have made a big impact on those people they were able to meet, and maybe the people we serve can serve others and create that chain of love that will help heal the world.

Remember to watch out for more summer opportunities to “Serve and Surf” with wwKids!

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