Friday, July 2, 2010

When do I need help?

In the past two weeks wwKids has had the opportunity to experience yoga in the motion studio. I was able to sit in on this experience and see what they did. A few of the poses they did involved another person and they would have fallen on their own. This made me think about the Helping Hands theme of the summer and brought on the question of when do I realize I need help and then ask for it.

Often when we think of helping hands we think of people needing our help. We don’t then reflect back and see when we need help. That is the other half of helping, realizing when we need it and being willing to accept it. Often we want to solve things on our own and not ask for help, but it is a necessity in human life to give AND take. So this week, just realizing when I need help and then being willing to ask for it may change my perspective and I can help someone else be able to help heal the world through me. It is something for everyone to consider.

1 comment:

lori tate said...

good question. when we ask for help we give others an opportunity to participate and to give as well. we also learn to trust God and others.
good insight!